When seniors may not be able to live completely on their own or are looking for other options, an independent living facility may fit the bill. Independent living options for seniors have improved greatly over the years, offering beautiful living facilities, excellent food, and many different activities to meet people and socialize. If you or a loved one are thinking about independent living options, read about some of the benefits as well as what Encore Communities has to offer.

What is Independent Living for Seniors?

Independent living is sometimes confused with assisted living. However, independent living is designed for seniors who can still live on their own but want to have access to certain services and amenities. This can include dining, entertainment, and housekeeping. Seniors can enjoy a safe living environment with their peers who are also seeking the same options.

Independent living is often a good choice for seniors who don’t need continuous nursing care. When this need arises, seniors can transfer to an assisted living community.

Benefits of Independent Living for Seniors

No Worries About Home Maintenance

Many seniors are no longer able to keep up with home maintenance, nor do they want to. With independent living, they don’t have to worry about things like mowing the lawn or other tasks that come with home ownership. These types of home maintenance tasks are taken care of by the company that owns the facility.  In an independent living facility, seniors have more time for the activities they enjoy.

Fewer Household Responsibilities

In an independent living facility, residents can have access to housekeeping and laundry assistance if they choose. While it may not be a part of the regular fee, there is peace of mind knowing that it is available for those who may need it down the road.

No Worries About Utility Bills

The cost of independent living facilities will typically include utilities, so there is no need for seniors to worry about those types of bills. Things like phone service and cable are the only types of additional bills they would have to worry about.

Nutritious Food

While many seniors may still want to prepare their own food, they can have the option of meal preparation in an independent living facility. This can be beneficial for seniors who may not be sure what types of food are best for them or for those who can no longer prepare their own meals.

Encore Communities has award-winning chefs who prepare nutritious meals for residents. Chefs take into consideration special dietary restrictions to ensure that each resident is getting the right type of diet for their needs.

Activities and New Friendships

Companionship is important as people get older. A report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine shows that nearly one-fourth of adults ages 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated.[1] Feeling socially isolated can increase a person’s risk of premature death and the chance of developing dementia.[2] It is also linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide.

In an independent living facility, seniors have ample opportunity to socialize and take part in a wide range of activities. From exercise to games, movies, and more, residents form new friendships and are able to battle the loneliness that can come with getting older.

Transportation and Other Amenities

Independent living communities often provide transportation for shopping, scheduled medical appointments, and other outings. This is especially helpful for seniors who no longer drive or who do not have family members close by to bring them to the places they need to go.

Independent living for seniors often has access to barber and beauty services on-site as well. This is another added convenience for residents who may not be able to get there themselves.

Counseling and Wellness Assessments

Many independent living options for seniors, including those at Encore Communities, provide routine wellness assessments. These help to determine when a resident may need to change their level of care to fit their health needs. When this happens, counselors are also available to help residents and families make informed decisions about the right type of housing and care.

Independent Living Options for Seniors at Encore Communities

Encore Communities offers independent living options for seniors to help them live their best lives. Country Meadows, located in Silverdale, Washington, has spacious one and two-bedroom cottages available with many amenities. Residents can enjoy things like complimentary meal service, a recreation center, weekly housekeeping, and in-unit washer and dryers.

Independent living is also available at our Laurel Cove Community in Shoreline, Washington. Here, residents can enjoy one-bedroom or studio units to suit their needs. Dining, activities, housekeeping, and laundry services are all available to residents as well as free transportation services.

Call us today to schedule a visit so you can decide which independent living option is the best for you or your loved one.



[1] https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/25663/social-isolation-and-loneliness-in-older-adults-opportunities-for-the

[2] https://www.cdc.gov/aging/publications/features/lonely-older-adults.html



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